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j'utilise un 2 en 1 align pour mon helico,je dois retourner en 4,8V car mes servos (s9255)ne fonctionne pas en 6V existe t'il un systeme pour chauffer la bougie embarqué(comme le 2 en 1 align)?

Est ce que ce ne serait pas ça: SG-1 : Switch Glo System ? :oops::oops::oops: ... owAda.html



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  • 2 weeks later...


j'ai reçu le switchglo,je l'ai connecté comme indiqué et cela à l'air de fonctionné.

J'ai trouvé cela sur le site,si quelq'un peut m'expliqué :oops::oops::oops:

Program Mixing Ideas: Not applicable for Y harness installation

Low Throttle mixing instructions CLICK HERE

Eliminate "HOT STARTS" by disabling your SwitchGlo switch on idle-up.

A Simple Method of Programming 12Z/14MZ/12FG

* Assign Aux 1 to Ch 12 under Function and assign Switch F to control it

* Separate AFR settings for Ch 12 - Aux 1 (Single instead of Group)for each mode, i.e., Normal, ID1, ID2, & TH

* In Idle Up conditions, set AFR rates to 0% & the Offset to 100%

* Use Servo Monitor to check direction of offset on Ch 12, if direction is opposite, reverse AFR offsets to -100%

bobc1 described his 12Z radio program mix:

"By using two programmable mixes (both mixing throttle to Aux 1) linked to switch F, one on in one position of the switch & the other in the other position, and using a "Line" curve for the on position, you can adjust the off/on position of the SwitchGlo by moving two points on the mixing Line curve. I set mine up to allow the SwitchGlo to be activated at 5% throttle or less. For throttle positions -90% and less (less than 5% overall throttle), set the rate to -100%. I then used a point at -89.5% that was set to a rate of +100%. At any throttle settings greater than -89.5%, the rate of +100% effectively disables the SwitchGlo from activation. For the "off" position of switch F, use the "Linear" curve, set the rates to 0% and the offset to 100%. This effectively shuts the SwitchGlo off when switch F is in the off position. The only other thing that I had to do was set the end point limits on Aux 1 to 100% because under certain conditions the servo monitor indicated that Aux 1 went to 135%. I'm still not certain why. It works great & it's now impossible to hot start."



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