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Gaui TSH X3 : Embedded X3 Circuit Frame

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Interesting innovation from team Gaui


This technology has been in the multirotor world for a while now, it was only a matter of time before someone crossed over technology to helicopters. Gaui is using a embedded copper trace in the frame to do the messy wire work for you. Like me, if you have trouble cleaning up wires on smaller helicopters, this is the answer you have been waiting for. This design lets you plug all your channels from your receiver literally in the frames signal/power distribution. Then your electronics have there own location on the frame to plug them up. This makes replacement of electronics a snap, and also takes time away from the build process from the beginning.

Your thoughts. Is this a good idea? Or will the extra connections cause problems? Seems to do pretty good in the MR world.

For more information click here

Source: RcHeliResource Voir l’article complet

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