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Team ALeeS introduces newest member to their family

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This is such an honor to help introduce the newest member to Team ALeeS. Congratulations to Brandon Jones and Team ALeeS. Continue through to read what Team Manager Scott Gentry had to say about Brandon.


You’ve watched his outstanding videos, you know he can fly a quad, but here’s the kicker–he can fly collective pitch, too! Folks join me in welcoming active duty U.S. Marine and ALeeS’ official videographer, Brandon Jones to our team and family!!!

Brandon is a very enthusiastic man dedicated to ALeeS to the max! He is going to build not one, not two, but three Rush helicopters! He has taken over as administrator of our Facebook page and has plans to blow us all away in the coming months, both in the air and with his outstanding artistic skills! Look for him wearing his ALeeS colors at events like IRCHA–where he will be both flying and building a video library to unleash on the world!

Join me in welcoming Brandon to our team! :)



Source: RcHeliResource Voir l’article complet
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