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Heli Flight school

Below you will find links to videos that will guide you through learning how to fly an RC Helicopter. These short heli training videos are geared towards getting your RC helicopter up in the air fast by showing you what to practice. Following these steps and practicing each level will build muscle memory, orientation, sport flying, 3D skills and give you the confidence you need to improve your rc heli flying at the field. The intended audience is sport to intermediate 3d pilots. Even if you are doing 3d moves test yourself and see if you have any weaknesses in these levels. Make sure you practice and master each level before you move up. In just 30 minutes a night or less you can learn to fly an RC helicopter and become a master 3d heli pilot.

Practice 30 minutes a day and try to master every move before moving up a level. It may take

weeks to master a level and you will crash a million times before some of these moves click.

Keep trying every night!

Level 1 – Upright hovering

 Tail at 45 degrees offset from tail in

 Side in left and right

 Nose in

 Stretch: Pirouette back to tail in. Backward flips

 Bonus: Forward flight circle

Level 2 – Inverted hovering

 45 degrees offset from tail in

 Side in left and right

 Nose in inverted

 Stretch: Forward flips, Rolls, Inverted piro to tail nose in.

 Bonus: Inverted forward circle

Level 3 – 5 Circles in a row

 5 forward circles left and right

 5 backward circles left and right

 5 inverted forward circles left and right

 5 inverted backwards circles left and right

 Stretch: Forward loops, Backward loops,Tail down tic tocs, tail slides

 Bonus: tail down rainbows, stationary piros

Level 4 – 5 Figure 8’s in each orientation

 Switch this move so the figure 8 crosses towards you and away from you.

 Forward

 Backwards

 Inverted

 Inverted backwards

 Stretch: Snake transition in figure 8 with 30% bank angle, Side on Tic-Tocs

 Bonus: Stall turns changing orientations at the top of the turn

Level 5 – Funnels in each orientation

 5 upright tail down, left and right

 5 upright tail up left, and right

 5 inverted tail down, left and right

 5 Inverted tail up, left and right

 Stretch: Inverted piro circle, Nose down tic tocs

 Bonus: Piro flips timing the stir with the tail

Level 6 – Loops in each orientation

 5 inside forward, left and right

 5 inside backward left, and right

 5 outside forward, left and right

 5 outside backward, left and right

 Stretch: Vertical loop figure 8

 Bonus: Piro loops timing the tail

Level 7 – Morphing or Transitions

 5 of each figure 8 morphing orientations

 Forward upright to inverted going left and right

 Backwards upright to inverted going left and right

 Upright funnel to inverted left and right

 Stretch: 4 point tic tocs, Death Spiral

 Bonus: Pitch pumping flips and rolls

Level 8 – 5 each Rolling and Piro travel

 Rolling circle forward left and right

 Rolling circle backwards left and right

 Piro funnel upright left and right

 Piro funnel inverted left and right

 Stretch: Stationary piro flips, snakes

 Bonus: Piro tic tocs,

Level 9 – 5 each rolling and piro figure 8’s

 Rolling Forward Figure 8

 Rolling Backward Figure 8

 Piro Figure 8 Upright

 Piro Figure 8 Inverted

Level 10 Direction

Go back and practice all above in the direction you were most uncomfortable.

Level 11 – 3D Genius – Mastery

 Piro Rainbow

 Piro Snake

 Piro Loop

 Piro Tic-Tocs

 Big Ben

 Chaos Reversal

 Pitch Pumping

 Flipping Hurricains (circles)

 Slinky (circle, 45deg circle, edge loop (viewed as loop from side), 135deg circle, circle)

 Smackdown Flying

 Smooth transitions between moves

Level 12 – Unbelievable stuff

 Piro Snake Figure 8

 Piro Globe

 Fliping Funnel 8

 Reversing Piro Tic-Tocs

 Reversing Piro Rainbow

 Reversing Piro Snake

 Kruezenburger

 Reversing Piro Funnel

Wheel of Fortune

 London Eye(piro tic-toc loop)

 Piro Vertical Figure 8

Piro Slinky (variation of globe where you start with piro circle (start at left or right side

of pilot), piro 45deg tilted circle, piro loop, piro 135deg tilted circle, piro circle (opposite

side of pilot from the first circle)

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