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T-rex 700

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J'ai l'impression que la turbine est carrénée, completrement, afin d'avoir un flux maxi sans perte. Comme chez JR depuis un moment...

Au vu des dernières photos, j'étais entrain de me faire la même remarque.

Mais alors, serai-ce la seule inovation technique de cette machine ? icon_twisted.gif

Bouuu, bouuuu, méchant Bigbok icon_mad.gif

J'avoue que la, Align n'as fait qu'agrandir les plans du 600. La largeur du châssis me gène un peux, passable sur un 50 , mais en 90 ça commence à faire du volume ,bien qu'en vol....

Donc pour l'instant, je ne suis pas fane.

@+ et bons vols

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J'avoue que la, Align n'as fait qu'agrandir les plans du 600. La largeur du châssis me gène un peux, passable sur un 50 , mais en 90 ça commence à faire du volume ,bien qu'en vol....

Donc pour l'instant, je ne suis pas fane.

Je suis d'accord, je préfère un chassis plus fin, esthetiquement parlant. Par contre, au niveau efficacité, un chassis plus "cubique", c'est plus rigide non ? Si mes souvenirs de cours de mécanique son encore bons icon_rolleyes.gif

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En effet très peu d'innovations vu de l'extérieur...

MAis d'après ce que j'ai pu lire sur un autre forum, il en est bourré...

The long awaited .90 sized Align T-Rex 700 nitro helicopter was unveiled Saturday by designer Jason Krause at the Fabulous Las Vegas Funfly. At first glance it appears to be a scaled up T-Rex 600N but Jason was quick to point out the many refinements he has designed into it. One of the first things you’ll notice is the number of nicely finished CNC parts throughout the entire helicopter. There won't be much left to upgrade as everything is already metal including the sleek main grips, mixing arms, main bearing blocks and the tail pitch slider. The main shaft is supported with only two bearing blocks and uses a Sprague type autorotation unit. A single control rod passes through the f rame sides placing all cyclic linkage pivot points at the same distance from the swash plate. The elevator swash link features an “A” type design which offers a super strong link while eliminating the need for an anti-rotation bracket.

The main side frames are made of 2mm carbon fiber while the bottom plate is a stronger 2.5mm and offers a cutout large enough to remove the engine and fan assembly intact. The frame also offers a bracket for mounting a governor sensor as well as captured nuts to make servo mounting an easy matter. Mixture servo and receiver switch mounting plates are also included as well as a convenient front gyro mounting location.

The head assembly features a huge 10mm feathering shaft which actually uses the main shaft bearings from the T-Rex 600. While we weren’t able to see the damper system Jason did note one of the interesting ideas he’s trying out in the new head block/feathering shaft assembly. The feathering shaft is limited in movement to teeter up and down, (side to side) but not front to rear. He admits he doesn’t know how well it will work in flight but is anxious to try the idea.

The prototype boom while appearing to be carbon fiber is actually an aluminum boom wrapped in carbon fiber. Jason said he trying out this “hybrid” style of boom because he’s experience flexing with typical carbon fiber tube booms and hopes this will offer the best of both materials. Jason has created a unique solution for solving the problem of the tail pitch slider unscrewing in flight by using a clamping system to retain the forks to the tail pitch slider. The boom is the same diameter as the 600 boom and uses a similar torque tube design. The tail box assembly is all metal and features a compact box and large diameter and short shaft to help reduce any possible vibration problems. The prototype on display actually had a T-Rex 600 tail hub and grip assembly but Jason said the final 700 tail assembly would probably be larger. The landing skids are one of the few parts directly used from the T-Rex 600. While the prototype was not completed he said he has added up all the remaining parts and estimates that even with larger 2.2oz servos the final weight should be about 9.8 lbs. Retail price will be $799.99.

A canopy was with the kit he got but he wasn’t showing because after seeing it in person he had already decided to make changes. He described it as being similar to the T-Rex 500 in style.

Flight testing begins next week at the Align factory site in Taiwan to determine the final flybar and mixing arm ratios. Alan Szabo Jr, and Bert Kammerer will be there with Jason for their advice and input into developing the final flight characteristics of the heli to find the right blend of stability and agility.

With a hint towards what lies ahead Jason said a flybarless head is currently in the works as well as an Align developed Flybarless control system which he estimates will be in the $300 range.

We'll be posting a lot more photo's right here on the forum.

En gros, axe pied de pales de 10mm, un systeme d'amortissement de la tête novateur, une tube de queue "hybride" alu/carbone pour tirer le meilleur de chaque matériaux, ainsi qu'un tas d'autres trucs.

Le poids annoncé est dans les 4,5kg, ce qui est franchement excélent pour ce type de machine.

Une tete flybarless ainsi que l'électronique qui va bien seront développés assez rapidement aussi.

Enfin bref, très pressé d'avoir les miens pour voir ça de plus pret icon_biggrin.gif



PS : le lien du forum :,792.msg4286.html#msg4286

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Achat compulsif... j'ai rien pu faire. Je viens de voir que RCpowersupply le dealai aussi, 569$ et 78 de port. (555/71 chez cyber) Ca fait une bécane à la maison dans les 400 euros si pas de douanes. icon_smile.gif

J'ai fait les 2 sites ....rien vu !!!

Chez Ciberheli....Align n'existe pas ....

tu peux détailler STP ?

merci d'avance !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ben oui il parait qu'Align se serait offert Rotor-tech icon_eek.gif!!

c'est pour ça que les pales jaune du T500 ressemble étrangement aux Fun Key...

et visiblement on retrouve la même chose sur le T700... quand on regarde bien la photo on voit un trait rouge comme les Fun Key 3D icon_wink.gif

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