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3D Masters 2011 in Venlo


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Petite info, les 3DM 2011 auront lieu à Venlo cette année, comme en 2010, Jeff Barringer étant très satisfait de l'organisation 2010.

Holland to host 3D Masters 2011

3D Masters 2011 will be held in Venlo, the Netherlands on the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th July. The hosts will be the Jupiter Flying Club, the same club who hosted the very successful 2010 3D Masters event. Walter Robijns, Chairman of the Jupiter Club said “The entire Jupiter Club found the hosting of 3D Masters 2010 a very exciting and entertaining experience. While it was hard work all round, we were delighted to be hosts to the biggest 3D Competition and the most talented 3D stars in the World. The atmosphere for the entire weekend was electric, and at our subsequent meetings there has been unanimous support for hosting the event again in 2011.”

A spokesperson for 3D Masters commented “We were impressed by the commitment and resolve of members of the Jupiter Club. It is no easy task for a relatively small club to host a major world event, and we feel that Jupiter not only met our expectations but exceeded them in many ways. Feedback from everyone involved in 2010, including 3D Fans, Competitors and Sponsors has been very positive, and so we feel very comfortable with entrusting the 2011 3D Masters to the Jupiter Club”

Communications for 3D enthusiasts are excellent, with Venlo sitting on major road routes through Europe, only 200 miles from Calais and sitting plumb on the Dutch border with Germany. Visitors by air will be able to make use of the local airport at nearby Dusseldorf as well as the international facility at Schiphol, only 100 miles away. Accommodation too is available at all levels, with campsites, bungalow parks, bed-and breakfast and hotels all readily available within the town and easy reach of the flying field.

3D Masters 2011 will retain the format of previous years with the 3 disciplines of Set Manoeuvres, Freestyle and Flight to Music ensuring that the winners in the Experts and Masters categories will have truly earned their accolades. The extremely successful Synchro Competition pioneered in 2009 will be repeated, with entry for 2011 open to a larger number of participants, and of course the Demonstration, Evening and Night Flying will again help to create the fantastic atmosphere for which the event has become internationally renowned.

Let us leave the last word with Chairman of the Jupiter Club, Walter Robijns:

“For 2010 we promised that 2010 3D Masters will be The best 3D Masters experience, EVER…

2011 will be the Best 3D Masters Experience Ever – AGAIN”

J'espère vraiment pourvoir y mettre les pieds cette année...


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  • 2 months later...


En tant que spectateur,rien de plus simple...

Tu te gares à l'exterieur du "complexe",tu traverses un champs occupé par des moutons (la traversée est plutot longue,pour quelqu'un qui serait à mobilité reduite,ca peut etre assez penible je pense),ensuite tu passes à la caisse,tu reçois un bracelet qui te permets de quitter la rencontre et d'y retourner sans debourser à nouveau, puis place au spectacle!!!!

Par contre niveau restauration c'est vraiment zero,à la limite de l'immangeable,il est preferable de prevoir un "repas home made" selon moi.

Je n'avais pas pris mes billets en prevente,et franchement vu la configuration et l'espace pour les spectateurs je me demande comment ils pourraient refuser quelqu'un sous pretexte que se soit complet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok je suis d'accord avec toi mais dans ce cas la il faudrait convaicre mon pere et c'est un "voyage" qui a un cout mais je suis d'accord que je ne verrait pas sa de si tot.

Toi tu y est beaucoup plus près :) et moi loin :(:(:(:(

quelqu'un du 29 y vas il ?

c'est quand ?

ya t il des vidéos de l'année derniere ?

a+ quentin

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c'est clair que ça fait un week end bien cher quand on habite assez loin ,dans ton cas par exemple!mais ça vaut vraiment le coup!peut que l'annee prochaine ça serait bien trop loin!et si tu ne peux vraiment pas y aller, je ne sais pas si tu vas dans les sympos,mais en france,il y a un paquet de super pilotes qui te feront fremir avec des vols hallucinants!d'ailleurs,qui a gagné l'annee derniere,hein?


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